RM 430 Ratio meter
The ratio meter type 430 is used for the measurement and check of the transformation ratio of voltage dividers and terminal networks.
The instrument measures the real transformation ratio taking into consideration the influence of the surroundings and including the effect of the measuring cable (which is important especially in the case of damped capacitive voltage dividers).
The connection to the high voltage electrode of the voltage divider and the instrument can be done with a wire of 1 mm diameter. For the low voltage arm the impulse voltage measuring cable shall be preferably used.
The transformation ratio meter has been developed especially for checking-up the transformation ratio of high voltage dividers in the test field.
One banana plug or one BNC output respectively is used for the connection to the voltage divider; one LEMO plug and one BNC plug for the low voltage connection.
By pressing a push-button a sine wave of 1000 Hz is applied and the value of the transformation ratio of the voltage divider is displayed digitally.
The ratio read-out remains during approx. 1 min. on the screen then vanishes automatically.
he selection of the measuring range occurs automatically thus eliminating calculations for the determination of the transformation ratio