HI-4413P Fibre to Serial Converter

HI-4413P Fibre to Serial Converter

The HI-4413P and ProbeView II” software provides extensive data gathering and display options for any fibre optically coupled Holaday probe.

It allows for the easy connection of an RS232 PC Serial port to the fibre optic cables of most Holaday EMF probes. This allows quick and easy data gathering from the field sensors on a continual basis. The unit is powered from the computer, allowing for total portability as well as ease of setup and operation. The Hi-4413P makes it possible to gather data in the field using a portable computer.

ETS-Lindgren’s Holaday brand ProbeView II” software provides real-time display, logging and analysis functions of EMF data. It displays a variety of test information, both numerically and graphically. A bar graph shows the incoming data in color-coded format. Data stream information is available in a choice of time intervals. A field intensity versus time chart shows the data graphically, and data points can be included on the display. In all displays, data from each individual axis from the field sensors can be shown, as well as the resultant data.

Key Features

  • Can also be used with HI-3702, HI-3638
  • Provides Isolation from Field Strength Measurement Point
  • Used with most Holaday optically coupled probes.
  • No external power supply required

Application Notes