Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) /
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Featured
Sure! Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is an important characteristic of electrical equipment and systems. It refers to their ability to function acceptably in their electromagnetic environment, by limiting the unintentional generation, propagation and reception of electromagnetic energy which may cause unwanted effects such as electromagnetic interference (EMI) or even physical damage in operational equipment. A product with electromagnetic compatibility features would be designed and manufactured to ensure that the electromagnetic disturbance generated does not exceed the level above which radio and telecommunications equipment or other equipment cannot operate as intended. Additionally, it would have a level of immunity to the electromagnetic disturbance expected in its intended use, allowing it to operate without unacceptable degradation of its intended use.
Sure! Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is an important characteristic of electrical equipment and systems. It refers to their ability to function acceptably in their electromagnetic environment, by limiting the unintentional generation,…
...propagation and reception of electromagnetic energy which may cause unwanted effects such as electromagnetic interference (EMI) or even physical damage in operational equipment.
A product with electromagnetic compatibility features would be designed and manufactured to ensure that the electromagnetic disturbance generated does not exceed the level above which radio and telecommunications equipment or other equipment cannot operate as intended. Additionally, it would have a level of immunity to the electromagnetic disturbance expected in its intended use, allowing it to operate without unacceptable degradation of its intended use.
Frequency Range: 750 MHz – 18 GHz With a frequency Range of 750 MHz – 18 GHz, the Model 3115 Double-Ridged Guide Antenna has excellent gain...FIND OUT MORE
ETS-Lindgren’s Model 3115-PB is our popular Model 3115 Double-Ridged Waveguide Horn Antenna, fitted with an updated pre-amplifier package and...FIND OUT MORE
Frequency Range: 18 GHz – 40 GHz The Model 3116C Double-Ridged Waveguide Horn is the latest addition to a family of double-ridge guide horns for...FIND OUT MORE
ETS-Lindgren’s Model 3117-PB is a special version of our popular Model 3117 Double-Ridged Waveguide Horn Antenna, fitted with an...FIND OUT MORE
ETS-Lindgren’s Model 3119B Double-Ridged Waveguide Horn is a the latest addition to our family of double-ridged waveguides for wireless and EMC...FIND OUT MORE
Frequency Range: 30 MHz – 6 GHz THE MODEL 3142E BICONILOG is a hybrid antenna that combines innovative design, compact size, and excellent...FIND OUT MORE
ETS-Lindgren’s 5230 Table Top RF Test Enclosure is an upright bench top system for testing larger sized DUTs. The 5230 Table Top RF Test...FIND OUT MORE
The new AXOS8 expandable test system integrates all of the best features of several stand alone test systems into one single economic...FIND OUT MORE
ETS-Lindgren’s EMField Generator is a unique, integrated solution for Radiated Immunity testing including IEC/EN 61000-4-3. It combines an...FIND OUT MORE
Exceptionally small-sized spherical symmetrical configuration, lightweight and miniaturized electronics combined with excellent RF characteristics...FIND OUT MORE
ETS-Lindgren’s FACT™ 3 Chambers offer semi-anechoic radiated emissions (RE) and fully anechoic radiated immunity (RI) compliance test...FIND OUT MORE
ETS-Lindgren’s N900x POWER FILTERS are high performance EMI power filters for use in EMC and Data Center/IT applications as well as any other...FIND OUT MORE
The ONYX is a state of the art electrostatic discharge test system available in 16kV or 30kV versions. It is the most ergonomic 16kV ESD gun without...FIND OUT MORE
CISPR detectors as the Q-Peak, C-RMS and C-AVG detectors are characterized by a long settling time: measurements must be performed with a long...FIND OUT MORE
AS-05 is a compact size broadband Antenna System composed of a BC-01 Biconical Dipole, LP-04 Log Periodic Dipole Array and DR-01 Double Ridged horn...FIND OUT MORE
RadiField 6 GHz – 18 GHz 75V/m one Meter Equivalent Electric field generator 6 GHz – 18 GHz Specifications Frequency range: 6 GHz – 18 GHz One...FIND OUT MORE
800 MHz – 6 GHz @ 10 V/m Three Meter Equivalent 75V/m one Meter Equivalent Electric field generator 800 MHz – 6 GHz Specifications Frequency...FIND OUT MORE
RadiSense 10E LASER powered E-field probe set Specifications Frequency range: 20 MHz to 10 GHz Measuring range: 0.5 V/m to 200 V/m Frequency...FIND OUT MORE
RadiSwitch® 1x SP6T SMA connector Specifications 1x SP6T SMA connector takes up 2 slot RadiCentre® Note: This Plug-in card needs a RadiCentre®...FIND OUT MORE
RadiMation® EMC test & measurement software is optimized for (pre)compliant EMC test systems, combining conducted- and radiated emission and...FIND OUT MORE
ETS-Lindgren’s Series 81 shielding system is a time-proven design with more than 10,000 installations. The Series 81 Shielded Rooms have...FIND OUT MORE
The BOLAB 100-35R-TS series presents a globally unique solution for the simulation of 12V / 24V / 48V systems acc. LV124 / VW80000 and numerous other...FIND OUT MORE