Accessories /
Chamber Accessories
The Chamber accessories available from MDL Technologies are manufactured by leading test solution manufacturers creating an international manufacturer of components and systems that measure, shield, and control electromag- netic and acoustic energy. The product range includes chamber accessories designed for chamber testing. Contact our dedicated sales team to discuss your requirements in detail.
The Chamber accessories available from MDL Technologies are manufactured by leading test solution manufacturers creating an international manufacturer of components and systems that measure, shield, and control electromag- netic and…
...acoustic energy.
The product range includes chamber accessories designed for chamber testing. Contact our dedicated sales team to discuss your requirements in detail.
ETS-Lindgren’s Model 2006 Light Duty Azimuth Positioner is designed to provide azimuth rotation of a lightweight test object. It is intended...FIND OUT MORE
ETS-Lindgren’s Model 2120CR Heavy Duty Multi-Axis Positioning System (MAPS) is designed to provide smooth rotation of a test object in both...FIND OUT MORE
At MDL Technologies, we have a thorough understanding of the crucial role that an anechoic chamber plays in obtaining precise and dependable test...FIND OUT MORE
ETS-Lindgren’s Model HI-6005 Electric Field Probe has now been replaced by the HI-6006 which features a field-replaceable battery. Please...FIND OUT MORE
ETS-Lindgren’s Model HI-6006 Electric Field Probe is a fully intelligent sensor enabling fast and accurate EMF measurements with...FIND OUT MORE
ETS-Lindgren’s Model HI-6023 RF Field Probe is a fully intelligent sensor enabling fast and accurate EMF measurements with industry-leading...FIND OUT MORE