Power Electronics Test Systems /
ATS - Automated Test Systems
Applications covered automated test systems include, battery, LED driver, solar PV and electric vehicle testing- also addressed is a general electrical safety test system. Automated test equipment enables printed circuit board tests, and equipment tests to be undertaken very swiftly and is a vital part of the electronics test scene today. Automated test equipment can range from small pc-driven dedicated fixed purpose testers to large fully programmable machines that cost millions of dollars.
Applications covered automated test systems include, battery, LED driver, solar PV and electric vehicle testing- also addressed is a general electrical safety test system. Automated test equipment enables printed circuit…
...board tests, and equipment tests to be undertaken very swiftly and is a vital part of the electronics test scene today. Automated test equipment can range from small pc-driven dedicated fixed purpose testers to large fully programmable machines that cost millions of dollars.
Thin, portable, and lightweight 2 Series mixed signal oscilloscope offers bandwidths from 70 MHz to 500 MHz and 2.5 GS/s max sample rate. 2...FIND OUT MORE