Innovative PMM Narda EMC test instrument range now available from MDL

MDL Technologies range of EMC pre-compliance test instruments has been expanded with the company’s appointment as exclusive UK distributor for the complete range of EMC products from PMM.

9010 Fast EMI Receiver
The 9010F high-speed receiver is part of the EMC product range from PMM, which is now exclusively distributed in the UK by MDL.

The instruments will be particularly useful for lighting and white goods manufacturers but are suited to all EMC applications. They include field probes and receivers (pre-compliant and fully compliant) as well as new multi-standard single-path line impedance stabilisation networks (LISNs).

“PMM provides a range of quality EMC products using innovative technology, but at affordable prices,” said MDL managing director Mark Lucock. “They are ideal for small to medium-size manufacturers that need some pre-compliance EMC capability, but couldn’t afford to have it in-house until now.”

Products include the all-in-one EP-600 series electric field probes. These exceptionally small, optically coupled, broadband isotropic probes have wide frequency ranges from 5 kHz to 26.5 GHz and up to 66 dB dynamic range. With a spherical symmetrical layout, they are suitable for all EMC / EMI applications.

RAD pmmAlso available is the new 9010F high-speed receiver with advanced analogue to digital conversion, which uses FFT frequency spectrum analysis, cutting test times from hours to seconds. Fully compliant with the CISPR 16-1-1 standard, it is expandable up to 18 GHz with external modules.

Another innovative new product is the FR4003 field receiver, which is a replacement for traditional rod antennas. With an internal 30 MHz CISPR 16-1-1 fully compliant receiver, this can be connected to a PC in stand-alone mode or via a fibre optic link to a PMM receiver, but can still use a traditional coaxial cable if necessary.

Unlike other EMC equipment manufacturers who generally make a charge for their software, software is included free of charge with all PMM instruments, providing a cost effective solution to EMC testing.