Improve your automotive testing capabilities with e-Mobility solutions from Typhoon HIL

HIL for High-Fidelity EV and e-Mobility

Test, develop, and integrate automotive power electronics control software with Typhoon HIL.

Typhoon HIL‘s Hardware in the Loop (HIL) solutions are tailor-built, without any compromises, for the design and testing of power electronics controllers for Electric Vehicles (EV), e-Mobility, and power converters.

HIL solutions for EV drivetrains, electric vehicle stationary equipment (EVSE) such as fast DC chargers, onboard vehicle chargers, DC/DC converters, hybrid drivetrains, batteries, and fuel cells. Unleash the Typhoon HIL Advantage to test, design, verify and validate (V&V) your automotive control software.

The Typhoon HIL Advantage

HIL built for power electronics.

  • Ultra-high fidelity power converter and machine models.
  • 200 ns time step w/ 3.5ns resolution.
  • Most advanced MOSFET/IGBT loss/thermal models.
  • High-fidelity electric motor models: spatial harmonic & nonlinear, fault injection, loss/thermal modelling.
  • 300 kHz switching frequency DC/DC converter models (resonant & PWM).

The only vertically integrated HIL.

  • One click software install & update.
  • Intuitive & easy to use schematic, from MIL/SIL to C-HIL in one breath.
  • Flexible and easily configurable simulation runtime interactive UI.
  • No 3rd party software tools needed.
  • Compact encapsulated models from design all the way to test automation.
  • Full backward model compatibility.
  • “HIL in a day” promise.

True plug and play HIL solution.

  • Direct model import from: JMAG FEA, Matlab/Simulink, FMI/FMU, C, PSIM.
  • XIL-ASAM compliant API.
  • Compatible with 3rd party test tools: ECUTest, NI Veristand, EXAM, PyTest.
  • Compatible with existing HIL hardware infrastructure: dSPACE, NI, Custom solutions.

Typhoon HIL Applications in the Control Design Workflow

Typhoon HIL’s ultra-high fidelity HIL platform was tailored made for control designers and for verification and validation (V&V). Designed to be used in all phases of control software design and testing:

  1. Control development stage: the early stage of control design – both SIL and C-HIL testing.
  2. Automated converter controller testing: late-stage controller V&V.
  3. System integration stage: system-level software integration V&V.
  4. Interoperability testing: e.g., interoperability between EVSE and EV’s.

Increase your performance when simulating, testing, and emulating every aspect of power electronics in modern cars. ISO26262 „Road vehicles – Functional safety” defines Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) as a standard tool for the development and testing of safety-critical automotive software. 

Their vertically integrated HW/SW, high model fidelity, model compactness, compatibility with other design and testing tools makes Typhoon HIL the perfect HIL choice, either standalone or interfaced with existing system-level simulators. 

Control Design

HIL for Electric Drivetrain

  • Unleash ultra-high fidelity full switching power converter models w/ down to 200 ns real-time simulation step and 3.5 ns digital input oversampling to enable unparalleled precision.
  • Simulate next-generation drive train with low-bandgap semiconductor switches (SiC, GaN) and PWM frequencies exceeding 300 kHz.
  • Simulate (MOSFET and IGBT) losses in real-time with calculations for every semiconductor switching transition.
  • Visualise/measure/record all signals with high-resolution scope/capture including switch transitions with resolution down to 200 ns.
  • Drag and drop components from the library: from 2-level and 3-level converters to flying capacitor and multi-level topologies.
  • Deploy true high-fidelity electric machine models that include saturation effects and spatial harmonics running down to 200 ns time-step with run-time machine fault injection.
  • Import machine parameters directly from FEM tools like JMAG.
  • Simulate electric machine with coupled thermal models.
  • Simulate multiphase machines with 3, 6, 9, or more phases.
  • Machine models natively support accurate position/encoder feedback.

HIL for Onboard Chargers

  • Simulate your DC/DC power converters switching at 300+ kHz: Dual Active Bridge (DAB), LLC resonant full-bridge (LLC FB), and LLC resonant half-bridge (LLC HB) converters and more.
  • Easily simulate parallel configurations and multiple DC/DC converters.
  • Simulate CAN bus communications in your HIL with one click.
  • Use the high-resolution scope/capture to observe/measure/record every signal, every switch transition in full resolution down to 200 ns.
  • Simulate with high-precision switch losses (conduction and switching) and thermal models.
  • Use DC/DC HIL models for vehicle software integration tests.

HIL for Electric Vehicle Stationary Equipment (EVSE)

  • Develop and test Electric Vehicle Stationary Equipment (EVSE) power electronics controller with high-fidelity converter models.
  • Develop and test Stationary Equipment Communication Controller (SECC) and validate communication interoperability.
  • Use high-fidelity HIL models of EV to test your EVSE.
  • Deploy P-HIL to test interoperability with different EVs.

HIL for Battery Management System Testing

  • With the scalable Typhoon HIL architecture, you can simulate batteries on the cell level even with hundreds of cells.
  • Simulate lithium-ion (Li-ion), nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd), or self-defined batteries.
  • Perform high-fidelity simulations of current spikes and voltage drops.
  • Create testing setups for low voltage battery setups with 24 V or 48 V; or high voltage batteries with 1000 V or more.
  • Accurate shunt simulation measurements can be included.

HIL for Electric HVAC Systems

  • Test control software for auxiliary electrified systems.
  • Simulate next-generation electric motor driven compressors.
  • Model variable-speed compressor drive in HIL as well as mechanical loads and coupled thermal loops.
  • Deploy HIL to develop and test control for Heat Pump Air Conditioning Systems, the next-generation Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems for pure e-Mobility.

Validation and Verification

Test automation with HIL

  • Automate all the control software testing on your C-HIL platform: from ECU software testing to vehicle software integration.
  • Use TyphoonTest IDE to easily write Python and PyTest based tests for your controller under test.
  • TyTest library is supported by TyphoonTest IDE and makes test automation a simple and efficient task.
  • Use the intuitive graphical user interface to create tests and define test steps. Run tests with a click of a button; follow the progress in run-time.
  • Use 3rd party test design and management tools (e.g. ECUTest, Exam, TestStand) that seamlessly interface with HIL via our ASAM XIL-MA compliant API.

Continuous Integration (CI) and Validation

  • Enable Continuous Integration validation for all your control software and firmware.
  • Manage tests, deploy tests, and access reports in the cloud.
  • Integrated HIL testbeds with test management software, test automation server, and project management.
  • Data and graphic-rich test reports in Allure integrated with cloud-based project management.

Interoperability Testing

EVSE Interoperability Testing

Charging Interface and Standards Solutions.

  • Models of EV’s and EVSE optimized for ultra high-fidelity real-time simulations.
  • Rich library of automated tests to provide constant 24/7 testing with clear reports and results.
  • Test for existing standards (CCS, ISO 15118-2, IEC61851-1, J1772, IEC 62196, and more).

EVSE Interoperability Testing

  • EV Interoperability testing with your HIL Compatible model of the EVSE w/ power amplifier.
  • Models of EVs optimised for ultra high-fidelity real-time simulations.
  • Rich library of automated tests and graphics/data-rich reports.
  • Test for existing standards (CCS, ISO 15118-2, IEC61851-1, J1772, IEC 62196, and more).