EMC – Avoiding the Nightmare

The CW Radio Technology group is holding an event – ‘EMC – Avoiding the nightmare’ on 4th December at The Bradfield Centre, Cambridge.  CW are offering free tickets, see below for how to book.

This event will look at Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) including design, testing, regulation and diagnostic probing and we are expecting an exciting line-up of speakers including

  • EMC issues of Wireless products – Roger Ray, Technical Director, RN Electronics
  • EMC Simulation of Automotive Ethernet – Dr Tamara Monti, Solution Consultant – Dassault Systèmes /Simulia
  • RF shielding – A practical demonstration – Mark Tyndall, Senior EMC Engineer, Eurofins York
  • Why are there so few Harmonised EMC Standards? – Steve Hayes, Technical Director, Element Materials Technology
  • Practical demonstrations in the networking areas.

Please ask people to book online, click on the green ‘reserve a place’ and then use the code Rad418100 when prompted.

If you have any queries about this event, please contact [email protected]