SMART™ 80 Reverb Chambers
The ETS-Lindgren SMARTTM (Statistical Mode Averaging Reverberation Test-Site) Chambers use the latest developments in proven reverberation technology and experienced chamber construction to create an electromagnetic environment (EME) for immunity testing.
SMARTTM chambers operate by using their interior surfaces to reflect internally radiated RF fields. One or more rotating paddles, or tuners, are used to change the cavity boundary conditions. This creates fields having statistical isotropy and field homogeneity over a large working volume. ETS-Lindgren’s patent pending tuner design ensures fast settling times and maximum through put during mode tuning tests. Due to recent advances in reverb statistical theory, the field measured at one point can be used to predict the maximum field at any other position.
The reverberation chamber has intrinsic properties of isotropy and homogeneity that provide several unique features for testing. Assuming proper configuration and a given uncertainty level; field measurement results will be the same regardless of where in the room they are taken; reconfiguration of the EUT will have minimal effect on those measurements; EUT measurements made between one or more chambers will be the same. The benefits are high measurement repeatability and test result reproducibility.
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Minimum | 80 MHz |
Frequency Maximum | 18 GHz |