8020 Adapter/Charger ATS
The Chroma 8020 Adapter/Charger ATS is the best test system for testing Adapter and Charger in the production line. The 8020 is able to test multiple UUTs concurrently that improving productivity significantly, the hardware architecture is also as flexible as Chroma 8000 ATS.
The Chroma 8020 has standard test items specially customized and optimized for the features of Adapter and Charger that provides excellent test performance to meet the requirements of mass production. Meanwhile, the software is very friendly and easy to operate, ideal for production line use.
New test items and extended hardware are expanded to Chroma 8020 ATS for the new test requirements in the Adapter/Charger industry, such as average efficiency to comply with Energy Star requirement, and etc.
Chroma 8020 ATS runs under the easy-to-learn Windows 98/2000/NT/XP environment with a specialized power test system for test engineers so that they can utilize the Windows resources easily.