8000 Switching Power Supply ATS
This auto test system uses the unique test command optimization technology to prevent the repeating control commands from sending to the system hardware devices. This improves the system test speed dramatically and makes Chroma 8000, which uses open software architecture, highly efficient as a close or optimized auto test system.
To meet the power supply test requirements, Chroma Power Supply Auto Test System model 8000 has built in 56 ready-made test items. Users may create new test items based on new test requirements using the test item editing function, which gives users the capability to expand the test items unlimitedly.
With the powerful report, statistics and management functions, Chroma Power Supply Auto Test System model 8000 is able to provide complete tools to generate various test documents and perform system administration. The test and statistical reports are equally important nowadays for R/D evaluations, QA verifications and mass production tests, saving time and reducing paperwork.
Working under Windows 98/NT/2000 or higher operation system, Chroma 8000 Power Supply Auto Test System is able to get all the resources provided by Windows; thus, it can easily export the test results to the network or web-page for remote manufacturing monitoring.